15 November 2022

Challenge #56 - Mid month inspiration and Winner and Favourites From Our Last Challenge

                  Our mid-moth inspiration for challenge is here    

     Our Design team members have an array of gorgeous cards to                                              share here today. 

We are excited to see your entries and the share your cards in the Linky tool provided below

Geesje using "Christmas Girl With Tree"

Rose using "Give Thanks"

And now to our winner and top picks

Our winner chosen by random.org is:

#64 - Ellie

You win 2 Images of choice from the shop and please be sure to save your badge below.

Please contact Helen with your choice at madebyhelenblog@yahoo.com to claim your prize.

We'd also like to invite you to join us as a Guest Designer
for a future challenge using your challenge prize.

Next our top 3 in order of entry:

#19 - Astrid

#22 - Yvonne

#60 - Gloria

And finally our Design Team favourites winning a badge:

Maria chose 50 - Maryann

Illonka chose 2 - Lisa J

Geesje chose 65 - Astrid

Rose chose 12 - Aunty Sue

Helen chose 14 - Ellie

Have Fun
LeAnn's World 101 Design Team
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Un grand merci à Maria pour le choix de ma carte comme favorite. ♥
    Je suis très émue.
    Félicitations à toutes les gagnantes pour leurs magnifiques créations.
    A big thank you to Maria for choosing my card as a favorite. ♥
    I am very moved.
    Congratulations to all the winners for their magnificent creations.

  2. Thank you to Ilonka for choosing my card as your Favourite. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for a great challenge each month. Lisa J
